It is a barrier unit that enables all probes developed by Asis to transmit data to the automation system in an enhanced manner. Unlike its counterparts, it uses a galvanic insulated barrier system. It is compatible with all Asis probes. 6 probes can be connected to a single unit. Thanks to its expandable structure, by connecting more ProbeX®to the automation system, many tank management can be done with a single automation system.
It is the 4th generation digital liquid level measurement unit developed by Asis. It is long-lasting thanks to its stainless steel body and buoys. In addition to measuring fuel and water levels separately, it measures fuel temperature at multiple points with 4 temperature sensors located at different points.
Petech® Tank Automation Software
It is the software that receives data from probes attached to tanks, simultaneously manages, reports and sends tank inventories, refills, alarms to the central system. It also provides the management of external devices by transmitting alarm data to TRU.
UCC485 is an industrial quality RS485-RS232 converter unit developed by Asis. Apart from the standard converter features, there are circuits to protect against various electrical defects such as electrical fluctuations and noises on the communication line.
Lanport is an external port multiplexer device developed by Asis that allows opening many ports on the automation computer via ethernet connection. Thanks to the 6 RS485 and 3 RS232 connections on it, it allows the automation system to communicate with many different hardware through a single device.
Petech® Pump Automation Software
It is the system that manages the pumps in station automation. Provides full control of pump sales, unit price management, shift application and pump and customer management. It provides compatibility for all kinds of station infrastructures thanks to wired and wireless applications.